History of Headwater’s Chapter 642

January 1993 was the first official meeting date. The three founding fathers, Gale Brooks, Bob Frazey, and John Sorenson presented and adopted Headwaters as the chapter name. 2024 will be our 31st year of proudly celebrating our major accomplishments of:

1. A continuous 24-year youth fly fishing program.

2. A 17-year continuous Trout in the Classroom program.

3. A 20-year focused Straight River Restoration Program with four helicopter tree drops.

4. Brook trout reproduction was restored in several streams, plus brown trout naturalized in streams and rivers.

5. Increased involvement and membership through collaborative projects and ongoing fly-tying and fly-fishing events.

Here in the Headwaters Chapter, we know that our region has a lot more to offer than simply trout. Our chapter happily crosses over into any and all species of fish that are available to catch on a fly in our area. Pike, bass, panfish, and more all make it into our instruction days and tying nights. The most important goal for us is to bring an angling community together that has a strong conservation ethic.